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2015 Kumari Puja

date  2015
O'Connor, ACT, Australia

Kumari Puja
Panchang for Kumari Puja
Choghadiya Muhurat on Kumari Puja

 Janam Kundali

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Kumari Puja is an interesting as well as an integral part of Durga Puja celebrations. In this puja, small young girls are worshipped as the incarnation of Maa Durga. This festive ritual is observed in almost all parts of India. In West Bengal, it is celebrated on Maha Ashtami while in other parts of India, it is observed on Navami tithi. This festival is known as ‘Kanya Pujan’ in North India.

Why Should We Perform Kumari Puja?

The unmarried or ‘Kumari’ form of Goddess Durga is the most auspicious form of Maa Durga as this form is also regarded as the basis of all the creations. Kumari puja is probably one of the best ways to get the blessings of Maa Durga as she gets immensely happy when small girls are worshipped and respected. Worshipping these little girls is the best medium to offer prayers to Goddess Durga. Kumari Puja is also a medium to rever the purity of the women in the society.

Read also: List of Indian Festivals Calendar.

How is a Kumari Selected for the Puja?

Ancient Hindu scriptures have laid down certain rules which one must follow to select a Kumari as the representative or incarnation of Maa Durga. The scriptures mention that a small unmarried girl aged between one to sixteen years who is calm and has the purity of the Goddess and who is devoid of any emotion of anger, desire or materialistic greed can be the Kumari for Kumari Puja.

Read Also: Kumari Puja Vidhi

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