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20 Tips For Happy Married Life

Have you ever check love compatibility? It is the backbone of a harmonious relationship.

Updated Date : Thursday, 04 Jan, 2024 07:32 AM

Yesterday night someone sends me a message of Michel de Montaigne, stating -A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. Can we count it as one of the biggest tips for a happy married life?

Know Which one is successful love marriage or arrange marriage

Right from the Romeo -Juliet to Our Shirin -Farhad, every couple fights hard to win their true love. Then they get married and lived happily ever after! Is that so? Do we know the post-marriage story of any of them?

Undoubtedly we all dream for heavenly -fairytale-like married life, but the reality is- a suffocating nightmare! The ratio of unsuccessful marriages is getting high, and this is an alarming situation for all of us.

See Love Marriage Specialist for Love Problems.

However, we all must seek for the tips and advice to retain this marital bond. We must decode the factors which can make it more fruitful and nurturing to both the partners. Let's find out the secret of a happy married life, and how to enjoy a lifetime marital bliss by being a soulmate to each other!

  1. Open and transparent communication - As they say, communication is the key. Be each other's non-judgemental listeners, And I'm sure your bond will strengthen day by day.

  2. Learn to be a listener - Often we are pre-occupied with our own thoughts and prejudices when someone shares their views on something. If you genuinely listen to your spouse, you can connect him soulfully. Isn't it the secret of a happy married life?

  3. Don't classify work - Work has no gender. And in this progressive time, classification of work based on gender is obsolete. A husband can cook and do the laundry. A wife may repair a Car -breakdown and can handle the bank accounts.

  4. Respect each other - A couple having mutual respect towards each other and their friends and family can survive any setbacks of life. Note it as a secret of a happy married life.

  5. Check your compatibility - This can be done before marriage. With horoscope matching, you can check your compatibility. Adaptable partners have easy access to each other's love.

  6. Allow being vulnerable - Allow your spouse to share his deepest wounds. Be the emotional supporter of his 3 AM vulnerabilities, and your relationship will be deep-rooted by it.

  7. Set "couple goals" - Take your partnership on another level by setting and achieving a common couple -goal. It will encourage you to do something new for your wellness.

  8. Avoid unnecessary drama - Dramatazing every little issue, nagging, being a helicopter partner(who checks every activity of his spouse)-may make your relationship toxic. Consider it as one of the essential tips for happy marriage life,

  9. Spend quality time together - Once you strat life journey, you become busy in earning a livelihood, managing social responsibilities, and a whole lot of other tasks. Love fades away gradually. Keep sparking your life by spending a good time together.

  10. Accept "who they are" - Accept your partner as they are! Don't try to mold and change them. Once you do this, just check your love compatibility! Your unconditional love will put him on ease, and you both will enjoy natural affection in any situation of life.

  11. Don't be a control freak - Your partner is not your puppet. Allow him his share of freedom. Various manipulative tactics, passive-aggressive behavior, and narcissistic approach may damage your relationship permanently.

  12. Set reasonable boundaries - Marriage is a partnership between two individuals. Set a reasonable boundary to protect your personal beliefs, thoughts, and choices. Be compatible enough to adjust, but don't lose your original being.

  13. Trust each other - Trust is a base of a healthy relationship. Trusting each other in every life conditions is one of the secrets of a happy married life.

  14. Give space to each other - No matter how romantically you both are connected, you both need "me" time. Go out on vacation with your male friends, and the husband can enjoy parties with their old buddies. Take a break!

  15. Enjoy the differences - Instead of getting irritated by each other's differences, cherish those! When We talk about tips for a happy marriage life, celebrating each other's diversity will help grow together.

  16. Learn to fight sensibly - Most of the couple get separated not because of their problems but because of the ugly fights and painful arguments they had. Often, when we are angry, we spill out words we do not mean. Harsh arguments may break the heart.

  17. Stop blaming - Blame-games may win the situation, but certainly, it loses the person. Be responsible. Take charge of any mistakes you made, and this will transform your story completely.

  18. Stop taking it for granted - Keep saying thank you for your spouse's every little help. Taking your partner's love for granted may make your relationship dull. Your love compatibility will lose the charm.

  19. Limit your expectations - Unlike romantic movies and novels, real life is hard and challenging. Expecting unrealistic things, silly and exaggerated ways of romanticism may destroy your love-bond.

  20. Be Kind and compassionate - We are all struggling with life 's challanges every day. Be forgiving and caring. A compassionate partner assures a warm -soulful connection of a lifetime. Consider it as one of the easiest yet powerful tips for a happy married life.

Note down all the above topics and execute it in your everyday life.

Must Read: Astrological Remedies for Happy Marriage Life

Horoscope matching can help you by checking all the compatibility factors and can assure you lifelong marital bliss. Don't forget to share it with your partner and friends!

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