2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for LEO
Find out how the Rahu-Ketu Transit will affect you if your Moon Sign is Leo.
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Rahu Transit to the Eleventh House of Leo
The transit of Rahu in the 11th house will come with a lot of favorable results for you. There are high chances that you would be experiencing certain sudden gains. The relationship with your siblings might improve considerably and great support would be offered from their end. If you are expecting success or any sort of growth in your career, then you are likely to get the same during this transition. Misunderstandings would soon be clear and the relationship will take a smooth road ahead. You would be receiving enough support from your partner. Foreign traveling is on the cards.
Ketu Transit to Fifth House of Leo
The transit of Ketu in the 5th house is not regarded as a good celestial placement. It seems that you would remain isolated and feel less interested in having interaction with people around you. It is time to make efforts on your own rather than waiting for luck. You would be sharing a good relationship with your children and likely to motivate them in one or another way.
Also See: Remedies for Pitra Dosha
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Career and Wealth of Leo
The placement of Rahu in the eleventh house is one of the most favorable moves for you in respect to career growth and success. You are likely to mark your considerable presence in your field. Praise and promotion are on your way. You would get immense support from your peers at work. People involved in business are likely to experience great success. But the placement of Ketu can cause you some trouble and because of your overconfidence, you may lose your wealth.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Love and Relationship of Leo
Your relationship with your spouse will blossom and you are likely to spend quality time together. There are chances of career growth of your partner which will bring more happiness for both of you. Relationship with parents will also improve but a little concern would be there regarding their health.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Impact on Health of Leo
It seems that the transit is good for you but you are likely to suffer from some old health issues and because of that you might have problems related to digestion and abdominal pain. Your level of energy will be high.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Remedies for Leo
To balance out everything during this transit you should try to strengthen your Jupiter by wearing a yellow Sapphire. As well as the chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama will be of great help.
- Click here to know about 2024 Rahu-Ketu Transit predictions for VIRGO!
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