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Saturn Retrograde

date  2021
United States,,United States

When Saturn becomes retrograde, it enters the retrograde zone and it starts to slow down. It starts moving in the backward direction before becoming stationary. Then it keeps moving in the forward direction until it regains its original speed. A retrograde planet is an illusory notion that dwells on a planet’s proximity to earth when the relative difference in their speed around the sun makes it look like the planet has slowed down to the point where it starts moving backward.  

In astrology, the significance of a retrograde planet can’t be underscored. Saturn Retrograde holds more significance because it happens to be the planet of karma and fate. It is known that Saturn remains in the stationary position for a time before it starts moving in the backward direction. The time at which Saturn starts to move in the backward direction is important and is noted down for the calculations.

Saturn Retrograde

2021 Saturn Retrograde Motion

SHANI becomes retrograde On

May 23, 2021, (Sunday) 15:16

SHANI becomes progressive On

October 11, 2021, (Monday) 08:21
Total Retrograde days = 140 Days

When Saturn becomes progressive, the same phenomenon occurs again and it’s the time when Saturn starts to move in the forward direction. Till it gains its normal speed, it remains in the retrograde zone before moving in the forward direction. The time at which Saturn starts to move in the forward direction brings it out of the retrograde zone and is again noted down for the calculations in a natal chart.

To sum up, there are four points in each retrograde zone:  Retro Station, Shadow, Direct Station and Release.

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