A cluster of seven stars marks the presence of Krittika Nakshatra which is also called as the Pleiades. Krittika Nakshatra denotes fire and is regarded as the ultimate source of power and energy. This constellation is ruled by Lord Agni Dev who is believed to eliminate all kind of taints from the universe and from the inner souls. According to the Vedic Astrology, Sun is the governing planet of Krittika nakshatra. The gender of Krittika Nakshatra star is female.
Is your Janma Nakshatra Krittika? Find it using our Nakshatra Finder
Let’s find out about the personality, characteristics, health, family life, profession and other insightful details about people who have Krittika as their Janam Nakshatra.
You are much famous in your group with your appearance and motivating attitude. You are a determined achiever and with your enthusiasm and passion, you will acquire a number of possessions. You are a dignified personality, good leader, straightforward, ambitious, courageous, peaceful, confident, and have a strong appetite.
Some of the key weaknesses of people belonging to Krittika Nakshatra include immaturity, stubbornness, unstable mind, aggressive and impatient behavior, fighting nature, nervousness and set too high expectations.
If you are a male individual who was born in the Krittika Nakshatra then you cannot stick or pursue a single aim for your entire life as monotonous jobs bore you easily. So, you switch jobs without much consideration and forethoughts. You are good at offering advice. You can even forego any relationship for your freedom as independence is much important for you. Self-pride is regarded as your significant trait. You have a keen interest in social work but you are unable to take the right decisions.
If you are a female individual who was born in the Krittika Nakshatra then you can never sustain pressure and thus suffer depression if you are pressurized or overpowered. You have an arrogant attitude. There are high chances of your separation from marriage or having a rigid husband, which is why you might not be able to relish your conjugal life and marital bliss. You are unable to maintain a cordial association with your relatives and neighbors.
The individuals belonging to the Krittika Nakshatra usually do not stay at their birthplace or home. It denotes that their livelihood is most likely to be in a foreign land. It could be a place just other than the home or might be a different state, city or country. Partnership business is not suitable for people belonging to Krittika Nakshatra. You are most likely to benefit from the government sector. You can become a draftsman, engineer or a doctor and can also work in the treasury department. If you have an interest in business then you can make money in decorative industries, medicines and yarn export. You are very slow in your work but will attain success in your life.
The male native belonging to Krittika Nakshatra will enjoy a blissful conjugal life. You are likely to get a partner who will effectively manage all the household work. She will be highly virtuous and faithful to you.
If you are a female individual of Krittika Nakshatra, then you might unable to cherish the happiness of marital life as there are chances of separation because of the continuous fights and unavoidable situations. You may be deprived of children and may have issues in pregnancy as well. You would not be able to maintain good associations with your family and relatives as you are unable to understand the intentions of others. You always live in a world of illusion which will make you feel isolated. The health of your partner will be a matter of concern.
You have a good appetite but you are lazy in following a good diet and appropriate food habit. You might suffer from diseases like tuberculosis, weak eyesight, dental problems, malaria, brain fever, cerebral meningitis, accidents, and wounds.
Also See: List of 27 constellations
For a newborn under the Krittika Nakshatra, the most suitable name would be the one that begins with the following syllables: A, I, Aa, Ai, E, U, Ee, Oo, Ae
Manikya and Havala
1, 2, 3 and 9
Yellow and Red
Tuesday and Sunday
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