Moola Nakshatra is regarded as a malefic Nakshatra. It is considered as the innermost core or the centre of anything. Because of the effect of planet Ketu, Moola nakshatra can be terrible and negative. As per the Vedic astrologers, the Moola Nakshatra is associated with being straight forward, rooted and curious and inquisitive.
According to the Vedic Astrology, Ketu is the governing planet of Moola Nakshatra. It appears to be a lion’s tail of a tied bunch of roots which symbolises the base or root of anything. Nirrti (Goddess of destruction) is the Hindu Deity for this Nakshatra. The gender of Moola Nakshatra star is neutral.
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Let’s find out about the personality, characteristics, health, family life, profession and other insightful details about people who have Moola as their Janma Nakshatra.
Explorer, peace loving, good-looking, adventurous, good in politics, high living standards, manipulator, brave, careful, determined, clever, possess fine public speaking skills, good fortune, learned, and spiritual.
You are insecure, self-centered, indulge in extramarital affairs, indecisive, full of anger, lack in giving support, fickle in relationships, selfish, intolerant and self-destructive.
The male individual who was born in the Moola Nakshatra is peace loving and really warm. You tend to work upon principles and these principles act as your guiding force. With your continuous efforts you can reach your goals by overcoming all kinds of adversities and barricades in life. You are good at providing advices but lack behind in applying the same in your own life. You possess interest in numerous fields which makes you change your profession or job rapidly. You have utmost belief in God which makes you feel like, whatever happening is the blessing of the deity. You are likely to achieve success in foreign lands.
If you are a female individual who was born in the Moola Nakshatra then you are likely to have an obstinate behaviour. You are very much adamant even on little things. You are very pure hearted but this stubborn behavior can prove detrimental.
Must Read: An Amazing story of 27 Nakshatras
You do not have a proper control upon your income and expenses which might put you in debt. You are always ready to offer adequate advices to people but do not lend your ear to have one. Such trait helps you to perform well in the fields of religious advice or financial advice. You are likely to switch professions which would not offer stability in your career. Due to your constantly changing attitude, you always require money. You never earn monetary gains by indulging in illegal activities. You must avoid partnering with friends as it might cause you big financial loss.
You being the male native of Moola Nakshatra tend to get no help and support from your parents. You are indeed a self-made individual. You are likely to experience a blissful and good married life. You will get a perfect spouse with all the traits of a good housewife. If you are a female native of this Nakshatra, then you might not have a satisfactory conjugal life. You are likely to be separated from your partner. You would also be experiencing a number of problems from your children’s side.
The male native of the Moola Nakshatra, will face problems like persistent stomach ache, paralysis or tuberculosis. Because of your careless attitude, you might face some severe problems too at the age of 27, 31, 44 and 56 years. If you are a female native of this Nakshatra then you are likely to suffer from pain in shoulder and back, and stomach problems.
On mPanchang: Get Free Janam Kundali (Birth Chart) Instantly
For a newborn under the Moola Nakshatra, the most suitable name would be the one that begins with the following syllables: Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhaa, Bhi, Bhee, Ba, Bi, Yu
Cat’s Eye
3 and 7
Brownish Yellow and Cream
Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday
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