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Today Choghadiya Choghadiya
Rahu Kaal Rahu Kaal

Today's Rahu Kalam

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

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New Delhi, NCT, India

Rahu Kalam and Rahu Timings New Delhi

Rahu Kalam Today or Rahu Kaal Today, will provide the exact timings of Rahu Kaal everyday. According to Vedic Hindu Astrology, it is important to check shubh muhurat, also known as Nalla Neram in South India and Raku Kaal, also known as Rahu Kalam or Yamagandam in South India, before planning anything auspicious.

Rahu Kalam and Yamagandam Timings Today

Rahu Kaal is not considered a prosperous time for any auspicious event, and it is known to give unfavorable outcomes for things started during the Rahukalam. Hence, Rahu Kalam timings are always considered before starting anything new.

People follow daily Shubh Muhurat, Rahu Kalam, Nalla Neram and Yamagandam timings before planning auspicious ventures which include- buying new vehicle, griha pravesh, Puja anushthan, marriage muhurat, naamkaran sanskaar and many other things. It is not possible to consult an astrologer for everything, so the easiest way is to check daily Shubh Muhurat using Choghadiya and Daily Panchang.

To find favorable time for auspicious work, consult Choghadiya muhurat

Read ahead to find Rahu Kaal timings for different cities in India and for every day of the week.

Rahu Kaal Time for everyday of the week

Day Rahu Kaal Yamagandam Gulika
Monday 7:30 – 9:00 10:30 - 12:00 13:30 – 15:00
Tuesday 15:00 – 16:30 9:00 – 10:30 12:00 – 13:30
Wednesday 12:00 – 13:30 7:30 – 9:00 10:30 – 12:00
Thursday 13:30 – 15:00 6:00 – 7:30 9:00 – 10:30
Friday 10:30 – 12:00 15:00 – 16:30 7:30 – 9:00
Saturday 9:00 – 10:30 13:30 – 15:00 6:00 – 7:30
Sunday 16:30 – 18:00 12:00 – 13:30 15:00 – 16:30

What is Rahu Kaal?

Rahu Kaal or Rahu Kalam is the most unfavorable time of the day, when doing anything auspicious, never gives favorable outcome. Astrologers always leave out these 90 minutes of the day, while calculating shubh muhurat for any auspicious event.

What does Yamagandam mean or Yamaganda Kala?

Yamagandam means time of death, or death time. Only death rituals and ceremonies are performed during the Yamagandam muhurat. Any activity started in this time invites destitute of the work or other aspects related to it. Hence, activities performed during Yamagandam Muhurat ends in failure or the end result is often not very favorable. It is always advised not to start important activities, related to money or travel during this time.

What to Avoid in Rahul Kaal timings?

Rahu Kaal is not considered auspicious for starting a new business or events. Although, there is no problem in continuing daily activities already started in an auspicious muhurat. Things not to be done in Rahu Kaal include- Marriage rituals, Griha Pravesh, Puja and Anushthan, Starting a new business, and other auspicious things.

What to do when you cannot avoid an auspicious event during Rahu Kaal?

In situations when you cannot avoid doing important tasks during the Rahu Kaal, then it is advised to worship Lord Hanuman by offering panchamrit and jaggery and reading Hanuman Chalisa. Consuming this prasad before starting auspicious work will keep the malefic effects of Rahu away.

Ascertaining Rahu Kaal ?

Consult daily Choghadiya and daily Panchang to find daily Rahu Kaal timings.

Each day, Rahu Kaal lasts for one and a half hour; it is among the eight segments of the day that fall between sunrise and sunset. The total time between sunrise and sunset at a given place when divided by eight gives the individual time duration for the eight segments.

Sunrise and sunset moments are considered while calculating geometric values of sunrise and sunset. Refraction is not considered in Geometric sunrise, which is different from Observational sunrise. The latter marks sunrise moments when the upper limb of the Sun becomes visible at the Eastern Horizon, while Geometric sunrise marks sunrise moments when the middle of the Sun is visible at the Eastern Horizon.

Given the difference in local timings of sunrise and sunset for various locations, Rahu Kaal timings and Rahu duration are never the same for two places. Since the sunrise and sunset timings keep changing throughout the year, Rahu Kaal also varies from day to day as it does from place to place. So, it is advisable to look at the time and duration of Rahu Kaal for your geographical location before starting any important work on a given day.

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