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Abhijit Muhurat Timing

Thursday, October 12, 2023

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New Delhi, NCT, India

Aaj ka Abhijit Muhurat New Delhi

Abhijit Muhurat (आज का अभिजीत मुहूर्त) is the most auspicious and powerful Muhurat in Vedic astrology. It is the eighth Muhurat out of 15 Muhurats that are present between sunrise and sunset. Abhijit Muhurat timings commence during mid-day and last for approximately 48 minutes. As per Vedic scriptures, Abhijit Muhurat has the power to nullify various Doshas present in a Muhurat. Thus, it is the best Muhurat to perform all the auspicious activities. In case you are looking for Shubh Muhurat today and no auspicious Muhurat available for the day, you may choose Abhijit Muhurat to start any new or auspicious work.

Abhijit Muhurat is also known with other names such as Abhijin Muhurat, Chaturtha Lagna, Kutub Muhurat and Swami Tithiyansha Muhurat. It should be noted that Abhijit Muhurat and Abhijit Nakshatra are not the same. However, as per Hindu Panchang, if Abhijeet Muhurat and Abhijit Nakshatra falls at the same time, it is very auspicious for the natives.

Today's Abhijit Muhurat - अभिजीत मुहूर्त

Want to know aaj ka Abhijit muhurat? Check out Today’s Abhijit muhurat on Hindu Panchang.

Note- No auspicious work should be done during Abhijit Muhurat of Wednesday due to its malefic Muhurat.

जाने अभिजीत मुहूर्त - अभिजीत मुहूर्त को अभिजीन मुहूर्त, चतुर्थ लग्न, कुतुब मुहूर्त और स्वामी तीथियंश मुहूर्त भी कहते है। अभिजीत मुहूर्त का समय दिन के मध्य भाग से लगभग 24 मिनट पहले शुरू होता है और दिन के मध्य भाग के 24 मिनट बाद समाप्त होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आज का सूर्योदय का समय सुबह 7 बजे है और सूर्यास्त का समय शाम 7 बजे है, तो आज का अभिजीत मुहूर्त दोपहर 1 बजे से ठीक 24 मिनट पहले, यानी 12:36 पर शुरू होगा। जैसे-जैसे सूर्यास्त और सूर्योदय का समय भौगोलिक स्थिति और मौसम के अनुसार बदलता है, अभिजीत मुहूर्त का समय स्थान और उस स्थान पर सूर्योदय के समय के आधार पर बदलता रहता है।

What is Abhijit Muhurat

According to Vedic astrology, there are 30 Muhurats in an entire day. These 30 Muhrats are further divided into 15 Muhurats from sunrise to sunset and 15 Muhurats from sunset to the next day’s sunrise. Abhijit Muhurat is the middle portion of the 15 Muhurats.

Abhijit Muhurat Timings starts approximately 24 minutes before midday and ends after 24 minutes of midday. For instance, if the sunrise timings are 7 AM and sunset timings are 7 PM at a location, then Abhijit Muhurat would start exactly 24 minutes before 1 PM, i.e, at 12:36 PM. As sunset and sunrise timings vary as per geographical location and seasons, Abhijit Muhurat timings keep on changing depending upon your location and sunrise timings at that place.

Significance of Abhijit Muhurat

According to Hindu scriptures, Abhijit Muhuratam is blessed by Lord Vishnu. It is believed that in this auspicious timing of the day, Lord Shiva killed the demon Tripusrasura and saved the world. Also, Lord Rama was born in the Abhijit Muhurat.

Things To Do During Abhijit Muhurat

Abhijit Muhurat is auspicious to start any work or perform any auspicious activities like house warming ceremony, Mundan ceremony, marriage, Puja or havan etc. First time traveling for work, starting a new business, investing in ventures, Shop opening, house shifting, starting any new task, repaying debts and various other important and new tasks prove fruitful when done in Abhijit Muhurat. However, one should always Ask an Astrologer before starting any task or performing a marriage, Upnayan Sanskar, Griha Pravesh etc.
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