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Gemstone Details For Coral (Moonga)

Among the numerous astrological methods to pacify the ill-effects of a particular planet/planets in a horoscope or to enhance the positive effects, wearing of gemstones is perhaps the most potent one. Astrologers prescribe different gemstones associated with different planets and dashas.Gemstones are said to provide a change in well being since ages. They are supposed to give positivity and therapeutic effects to the wearer. Red Coral or Moonga is one among these. Found, fathoms deep in the seabed, Red Coral cannot be termed as a stone, but it is formed by the accumulation of a specific organism named as Isis Nobiles. It is a fabulous natural gemstone structured by the skeletons of coagulated marine creatures known as polyps. Red Coral is generally prescribed to counter the ill-effects of Planet Mars or Mangal and is also suggested to those who have Mangal Dosha in their Kundali. The Red coral is advised for the subjects who need to conciliate the Mangal and ward off the problems and contagions caused by its incorrect placement in the horoscope. It has stunning corrective properties to show well-being to such an extent that the wearer experiences change in color in case of any physical ailment.

JaipurCrafts Italian Red Coral/Moonga 12 Ratti Certified Natural Gemstone for Men and Women

Vaibhav Gems 7 Ratti Sinduja Red Coral Stone Original Certified Cultured Triangle Angaraka mani Gemstone

Vaibhav Gems Red Coral / Moonga 9 Carat / 10 Ratti Certified Gemstone

AJ Retail 6.25 Ratti Moonga Stone Original 100% Certified Cultured Red Coral Gemstone

Coral Moonga 7.25 Ratti NATURAL & GJSPC CERTIFIED Coral (Moonga) ASTROLOGICAL GEMSTONE By Arihant Gems and Jewels

AJ RETAIL Original Italian Red Coral / Moonga 8 Ratti IGL Certified Natural Gemstone

Gem Creation Natural Original Italian Red Coral / Moonga 7.25 Ratti GLI Certified Natural Birth Stone

Gem Creation Natural Original Italian Red Coral / Moonga 8.25 Ratti GLI Certified Natural Birth Stone

Moshun-international 7.83 Ct Certified Natural Red Coral Loose Japanese Ring/Pendant Size Astrological Gemstone

JAGDAMBA GEMS 9.25 Ratti Certified Red Coral Synthetic Moonga Gemstone

Khushbu Gems 7 Ratti Red Munga or Moonga Stone Original Certified Cultured Capsule Italian Moonga Munga Stone AAA++ Quality

Bhairaw Gems 12 Ratti Red Munga or Moonga Stone Original Certified Cultured Capsule Italian Moonga Munga Stone AAA++ Quality

LMDPRAJAPATIS Certified Unheated Untreatet 5 Ratti 4.55 Carat A+ Quality Natural Red Coral Moonga Loose Gemstone For Women's and Men's

Sidharth Gems 9.25 Ratti Munga Stone Certified Cultured Capsule Italian Red Monga Angarak Mani

Tha Jewellery Art 6.00 Ratti Triangular Red Coral (Tikona Moonga) Certified Natural Gemstone

GEMS 12 Ratti Natural Red Coral/Moonga Gemstone for Men and Women

Moonga | Munga | Original Italian Red Coral | Moonga 9 Ratti Premium Quality Lab Certified Natural Gemstone By Malabar Gems

STAR GEMS Moonga | Munga | Original Italian Red Coral | Moonga 11.25 Carat Premium Quality


Representing the powerhouse of energy, Mars or Mangal, Red Coral acts as energy cell and also aids in the culmination of occasions. Wearing Red Coral has several benefits attached to it.

  • Those subjects who are into the business of metals, weapons, agri products and allied services, chemicals, IT security, controlling of cyber crimes, surgery, dentistry shall be benefited by the wearing of the Red coral.
  • Those subjects who are suffering from ailments such as blood, breast, stomach, mouth and bone cancers, neurological problems, breathing difficulties, low hemoglobin, kidney related problems, hernia, paralysis, hemorrhoids, painful delivery or in any kind operation or surgery and numerous other physical problems are advised to wear Red coral.
  • It is helpful in increasing physical strength and makes bones stronger. It is beneficial in Snake or Scorpio bites. It is useful in reducing laziness as it fills the wearer with vigor and vitality. The Red Coral provides the wearer fearlessness, courage, and the tenacity to face the toughest of odds and enemies.
  • And above all, it is beneficial in mitigating the ill-effects of Mangal Dosha.

Red coral or Moonga has like other objects of the world has some disadvantages attached to it. If worn without consulting an astrologer, it can negatively impact the life of the user. Some of them are as below:

  • The hematological problems might surge on wearing it without proper consultation.
  • Creates Marital problems.
  • The behaviour of wearer might create resentment in general people.
  • A particular attitude might occur.
  • The adverse effects of overconfidence might surface.
Which size of Red Coral be worn for best results?

One can wear Red Coral of 5 to 9 carats. It must be set into gold or copper as these metals represent planet Mars. Tuesday is the most beneficial day for worshipping Mars, that's why the ring has to be worn on Tuesday morning. After wearing, this gemstone will show its effect within nine days and will remain active for 3 years. After 3 years, the gem will become inactive and needs to be changed. For best results, select the range of red corals from Japanese or Italian coral. Be careful while choosing the coral because cheap gemstone can have negative consequences. Large sized Red Corals are generally more powerful. Those suffering from persistent tiredness, demotivation and other imbalances are the ones who likely need Red Coral.

Astrological Analysis

Mars or Mangal is recognized as the planet of action. It also has some negative effects and to counter the same Red Coral is worn. The positive results of wearing Red coral is that it eases the process of Marriage and removes disharmony in married life. The wearer of Red Coral brims with confidence. Red Coral is worn by people who have planet Mars in amiable houses in their respective birth chart. Aries and Scorpios can wear this gem in the ring finger of their right hand. Planet Mars is not only restricted to these 2 zodiac signs. People under other zodiac signs can also wear it. This gemstone can be worn by people who are facing distress in their lives. But be cautious while wearing this stone, as it can have an adverse impact on your life. So, first consult an astrologer and then think about wearing the red coral stone . Because, if Mars is placed in an unfriendly house, then it will maliciously affect your life. People belonging to Aries, Cancer and Pisces zodiacs can wear this gemstone as planet Mars is in your friendly house. Aquarians and Scorpions can also wear this, but only under specific conditions. People under Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn are strongly recommended to avoid this gemstone. People belonging to Sagittarius zodiac sign can also wear this, but if someone is suffering from high blood pressure, then it's advised that they stay away from coral.

Technical formation of Red Coral

The concoction piece of coral is CaCo3 i.e., calcium carbonate which is a softening stone. This is a natural gemstone is made of living ocean coral. Valuable coral has a relative thickness of 3.86 and hardness 3.5 on the Mohs scale. Because of its non-abrasiveness and haziness, coral is generally used to make beads.Not at all like most gemstones which are of the mineral source, Coral is natural, framed by living life forms. It shapes from fanning, tusk-like structures made from coral polyps in tropical and subtropical sea waters. At the point when the coral polyps bite the dust, the solidified skeleton remains, and this material is what is utilized as a gemstone. Most coral is white; however, nature can make coral in a few different hues, including the prevalent orange to red structures. This Red Coral, or Precious Coral as it is frequently known by, is the most utilized gemstone type of Coral. The fact is that the shading known as coral is obtained from the run of the mill pinkish-orange shade of various red Coral gemstones.

How to wear a Red Coral?

The red coral should be embedded in a ring made of Gold or Copper for best results. The ring should weigh at least 6 carats. The order in which the ring should be worn is given below:

  • Dip the ring in a bowl of cow’s milk or holy water overnight. With this process, the impurities will be removed.
  • On Tuesday wear the ring in a muhurat given by the astrologer.
  • Before, wearing the ring, face towards the east place the ring on a red cloth, offer some flowers and light an incense stick.
  • Thereafter, Chant "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaya Namah Aum" or "Om Sri Saravanabhavaya Namah" mantra 108 times and wear the stone in the ring finger of your right hand.
How to identify real Red Coral?

Red Coral Stones are obtained from the seas and oceans. They are the result of living beings living under the sea. Because of their unique properties, now and again counterfeit stones are likewise sold in the market. We ought to know about phony corals while picking. Below Given, tests required to know the genuineness of the coral:

Milk Test:

Dip the coral in a glass or bowl of milk. The red color of coral when radiated shall be absorbed by the milk. The change in color of the milk indicates that the Red Coral is authentic.

Magnification Test:

Upon, placing the Red Coral on a white cloth in necessary lighting conditions, use a magnifying glass to observe. If there are granules on the surface of the Red Coral, then it is fake as the surface of genuine Red Coral will be even and smooth.

Rubbing Test:

Check upon the sound Red Coral produced on rubbing or clicking with a fingernail. If a glass rubbing sound emerges then the Red Coral is fake as the fake ones are made of glass only.

Turmeric Test:

Rub raw Turmeric on the Red Coral. If there are red marks on Turmeric or the color changes, then the Coral is fake. The color of Turmeric won’t change if the Coral is genuine.

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