Full Moon day or Purnima that occurs in the Hindu month Ashadha is known as Ashadha Purnima. On this auspicious occasion, people worship Lord Vishnu and observe Gopadam Vrat. Ashadha Purnima is also celebrated as Guru Purunima, a full moon day when people seek blessings of their Guru or mentors.
According to Lunisolar calendar or Purnimanta Panchang, each month is named on the full moon date based on the constellation in which the Moon is positioned. It is believed that in Ashadha month, on the full moon day, the Moon takes position in Purvashada or Uttarashada Nakshatra. If on the Full moon date of Ashada month, the Moon is in Uttarashada nakshatra, then that Purnima is considered as very auspicious and fortunate for seeking prosperity and abundance.
Moreover, on Ashadha Purnima, people observe Gopadam Vrat and offer special prayers to Lord Vishnu. It is said that Gopadm Vrat is very fruitful and bestows all kinds of blessings and happiness to the fast observer.
As the day is celebrated as Guru Purnima, the day has great significance in Hindu and Buddhist culture. On this day, people seek blessings of their Guru and seek their teachings.
According to Hindu texts, the greatest sage and author of the epic Mahabharata, Maharishi Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa or popularly known as Ved Vyas was born on the day of Ashadha Shukla Pakhsa Purnima. That is why the day is also known as Vyas Purnima. In Buddhist culture, it is believed that on this day, approximately 2500 years ago, Lord Buddha preached his first sermon at Sarnath.
As per Hindu texts, there are special rituals for observing Ashadha Purnima Gopadam Vrat. Here are the rituals that should be performed.
According to the Hindu calendar which starts from Chaitra month (March-April), the full moon that falls throughout the year is as follows: -
S.N. | Hindu Month | Purnima Vrat Name | Purnima Other Names or Same Day Festivals |
1 | Chaitra | Chaitra Purnima | Hanuman Jayanti |
2 | Vaishakha | Vaishakha Purnima | Buddha Purnima, Kurma Jayanti |
3 | Jyeshtha | Jyeshtha Purnima | Vat Purnima Vrat |
4 | Ashadha | Ashadha Purnima | Guru Purnima, Vyasa Puja |
5 | Shravana | Shravana Purnima | Raksha Bandhan, Gayatri Jayanti |
6 | Bhadrapada | Bhadrapada Purnima | Purnima Shraddha, Pitrupaksha Begin |
7 | Ashwin | Ashwin Purnima | Sharad Purnima, Kojagara Puja |
8 | Kartika | Kartika Purnima | Dev Diwali |
9 | Margashirsha | Margashirsha Purnima | Dattatreya Jayanti |
10 | Paush | Paush Purnima | Shakambhari Purnima |
11 | Magha | Magha Purnima | Guru Ravidas Jayanti |
12 | Phalguna | Phalguna Purnima | Holika Dahan, Vasanta Purnima |
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