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The most auspicious timing for performing Hariyali Teej Puja is in the early morning. Following is the Puja Vidhi for Hariyali Teej fast:
Read also: Hariyali Teej Puja Vidhi in Hindi
There are certain mantras which are chanted by the devotees in order to conclude with the fast as well as to praise the deities. Following are the mantras chanted on Hariyali Teej:
Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir-Ossadhayah Shaantih. Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishve-Devaah Shaantir-Brahma Shaantih Sarvam Shaantih Shaantireva Shaantih Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.
Jaganmata Maartastav Charanseva Na Rachita Na Wa Dattam Devi Dravinmapi Bhuyastav Maya. Tathapi Twayam Sneham Mayi Nirupam Yatprakurushe Kuputro Jayet Kwa Chidapi Kumaata Na Bhavati.
Om Hrayee Maheshwaraya Shambhave Shul Padi Pinakdhrashe Shivaya Pashupati Mahadevaya Namah
Om Umayee Parvatayee Jagdayee Jagatprathisthayee Shantirupayee Shivaya Brahma Rupniyee
Women eagerly await the festival of Hariyali Teej. Teej is the day of happiness and prosperity when all women wear new clothes and come together to sing Teej Songs and perform Teej Puja with supreme devotion. mPanchang wishes you all a happy and prosperous Teej!
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