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Mata Brahmacharini Aarti Lyrics, Vrat Katha, Mantra and Puja Vidhi

Mata Brahmacharini Aarti

Mata Brahmcharini is the second day Navratri Mata. Seek blessings of Mata Brahmacharini on Navratri’s 2nd day by singing her aarti. Here are the Maa Brahmacharini aarti lyrics that praise the second day Navratri devi. 

Mata Brahmacharini Aarti Lyrics in Hindi

जय अंबे ब्रह्माचारिणी माता।
जय चतुरानन प्रिय सुख दाता।
ब्रह्मा जी के मन भाती हो।
ज्ञान सभी को सिखलाती हो।
ब्रह्मा मंत्र है जाप तुम्हारा।
जिसको जपे सकल संसारा।
जय गायत्री वेद की माता।
जो मन निस दिन तुम्हें ध्याता।
कमी कोई रहने न पाए।
कोई भी दुख सहने न पाए।
उसकी विरति रहे ठिकाने।
जो तेरी महिमा को जाने।
रुद्राक्ष की माला ले कर।
जपे जो मंत्र श्रद्धा दे कर।
आलस छोड़ करे गुणगाना।
मां तुम उसको सुख पहुंचाना।
ब्रह्माचारिणी तेरो नाम।
पूर्ण करो सब मेरे काम।
भक्त तेरे चरणों का पुजारी।
रखना लाज मेरी महतारी। 

Mata Brahmacharini Aarti Lyrics in English

jay ambe brahmaachaarinee maata. 

jay chaturaanan priy sukh daata. 

brahma jee ke man bhaatee ho. 

gyaan sabhee ko sikhalaatee ho. 

brahma mantr hai jaap tumhaara. 

jisako jape sakal sansaara. 

jay gaayatree ved kee maata. 

jo man nis din tumhen dhyaata. 

kamee koee rahane na pae.

koee bhee dukh sahane na pae. 

usakee virati rahe thikaane. 

jo teree mahima ko jaane. 

rudraaksh kee maala le kar. 

jape jo mantr shraddha de kar. 

aalas chhod kare gunagaana. 

maan tum usako sukh pahunchaana.

brahmaachaarinee tero naam. 

poorn karo sab mere kaam. 

bhakt tere charanon ka pujaaree. 

rakhana laaj meree mahataaree.

This was the 2nd day Navratri Aarti. Now, let us learn about the Navratri’s second day Vrat Katha listened by devotees. 

Second Day Navratri Katha | Mata Brahmacharini Vrat Katha

Mata Brahmacharini, the second form of Navadurga, is worshiped on the second day of the Navratri festival. Brahmacharini Mata is the goddess of knowledge and dispassion. Devotees who read and listen to the story of Maa Brahmacharini attain strength in the times of hardships. Here is the Navratri’s second day Vrat katha as mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. 

It is said that Mata Brahmacharini incarnated on the Earth as the daughter of the Himalayas. She had wished to marry Lord Shiva and to appease him for marriage, Maa Brahmcharini observed the strict penance. As a form of penance, she took only fruits and flowers for a thousand years and only herbs for one hundred years. As Brahmacharini Mata wanted to marry Lord Shiva, she started living the way Lord Shiva does. She made her penance stricter and lived for three thousand years by eating only broken bilva Patra or leaves. Brahmacharini mata also sacrificed leaves and started penance without water and food for thousands of years.

Due to such severe and difficult penance by Mata Brahmacharini, the body of the Goddess became weak. Everyone including sages and gods appreciated the tenacity of Brahmacharini Mata and described it as unprecedented. They blessed Mata Brahmacharini and said that all her wishes will be fulfilled and she will receive Lord Chandramouli Shiva as her husband. Soon, her penance became successful and Lord Shiva agreed to marry her. This 2nd day Navratri Vrat Katha gives us inspiration that one should not be anxious in difficult times. We should pray to Mata Brahmacharini and seek her blessings to find strength and happiness in life.

Mata Brahmacharini Vrat Katha

नवरात्री पर्व के दूसरे दिन नवदुर्गा के दूसरे स्वरूप मां ब्रह्मचारिणी का पूजन किया जाता है। मां ब्रहाम्चारिणी ज्ञान तथा वैराग्य की अष्टिधात्री हैं। मां ब्रह्मचारिणी की कथा पढने एवं सुनने से कठिन समय में भक्तों को संबल मिलता है।

कहा जाता है कि हिमालय के घर पुत्री के रूप में अवतरित मां ब्रह्मचारिणी ने नारदजी के आदेशानुसार भगवान् शंकर को पति रूप में पाने के लिए तपस्वरूप एक हजार वर्ष भोजन के रूप में केवल फ़ल-फूल ग्रहण किये तथा एक सौ वर्ष तक केवल शाक पर निर्वाह किया। मां ब्र्हम्चारिणी इतने पर ही अपनी तपस्या को विराम नहीं दिया बल्कि तीन हजार वर्ष तक केवल टूटे हुए बिल्व पत्र खा कर गुजारा किया। बाद में इनका त्याग कर हजारों वर्षों तक निर्जल एवं निराहार तपस्या की।

भगवान् शंकर को पाने के लिए की गई इतनी विकट एवं कठिन तपस्या के कारण देवी का शरीर कृषकाय होगया है। देवता, ऋषिगण, इत्यादि महापुरुषों ने मां ब्र्हम्चारिणी के तप की सराहना इसको अभूतपूर्व बताया। सभी ने प्रसन्न होकर शुभकामनाएं देते हुए कहा कि इतनी कठिन तपस्या तो किसी ने भी नहीं की है। आपकी सभी मनोकामनायें पूरी होंगी तथा भगवान् चंद्रमौली शिवजी आपको पत्नी के रूप में वरण करेंगे। आपकी तपस्या सफल रही है, आप अपने पिता के साथ घर चली जायें। माँ ब्रहमचारिणी की इस कथा से प्रेरणा मिलती है कि जीवन के कठिन क्षणों में मन को विचलित नहीं करना चाहिए। मां ब्रहमचारिणी की कृपा से सर्व सिद्धि प्राप्त होती है। 

Mata Brahmacharini Mantra

दधाना करपद्माभ्यामक्षमालाकमण्डलू ।

देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ।।

Navratri is celebrated with a great deal of enthusiasm in every part of India. Navratri i.e. 9 nights is a 9 day-long celebration with each day holding a distinct significance. It is a festival dedicated to Goddess Durga and her nine forms. Each day is associated with one form of Maa Durga. The second day of Navratri celebrations is dedicated to Mata Brahmacharini, Goddess of Penance. She wears a white saree and holds Kamandal in her left hand and rosary on the other. Brahmacharini Mata is believed to bestow her devotees with wisdom and knowledge. 

Significance of mata Brahmacharini Puaj and Vrat 

The significance of Mata Brahmacharini Puja on the second day of Navratri lies in the fact that those who observe strict penance on this day see all their wishes come true. Brahma implies penance or "tapa" and Brahmcharini Mata observed a strong Tapasya to appease Lord Shiva.

According to the legends, Mata Brahmacharini was advised by Rishi Narada to observe a strict penance for hundreds of years to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. Mata Brahmacharini observed this stringent penance abstaining from water and food for so many years till she was finally blessed by Lord Shiva to be his divine consort. In simple terms, observing hard penance on this day can make one’s wishes come true.

Brahmacharini Mata’s Puja is performed ardently by the devotees on Navratri’s second day. People usually wear green on this day to pay their reverence to this 2nd day Navratri Devi. Worshipping Mata Brahmacharini is believed to invoke the strength of abstaining from food and water or facing any hardship for 9 days to achieve bliss and happiness.

Maa Brahmacharini Puja Vidhi

Mata Brahmacharini Puja begins with "sthapana" of the idol of the deity. The idol of Brahmcharini Mata is then given a bath with milk, curd followed by offering of flowers, rice, kumkum, supari, and paan. Garlands of rose petals and lotus flowers are placed over the idol. Maa Brahmacharini Aarti is then performed followed by mantra recitals and Mata Stuti. Prasad is prepared and distributed among family and neighbors. Devotees observe Maa Brahmacharini Vrat and abstain from food for the entire day. They also listen to 2nd day Navratri Katha. These fasting rituals are followed for the nine days of Navratri for seeking the blessings of all the nine avatars of Maa Durga. 

Navratri Celebration is a religious observance on which we pay respect to Goddess Shakti who in turn blesses us with strength (physical as well as emotional), power, happiness, and health.

2025, Shardiya Navratri Calendar For All Nine Days

Navratri - Day 1 Pratipada

7th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 2 Dwitiya

8th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 3 Tritiya

9th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 4 Panchami

10th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 5 Shashthi

11th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 6 Saptami

12th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 7 Ashtami

13th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 8 Navami

14th October, 2021

Navratri - Day 9 Dashami

15th October, 2021

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